AMPYR Solar Europe: Site Refresh

AMPYR Solar Europe: Site Refresh

On behalf of: Designhouse

AMPYR Solar Europe develops and manages solar parks in Germany, the Netherlands, and soon, the UK. They handle all aspects of solar project development — from land acquisition to construction and asset management, aiming to make renewable energy more accessible.

AMPYR Solar Europe develops and manages solar parks in Germany, the Netherlands, and soon, the UK. They handle all aspects of solar project development — from land acquisition to construction and asset management, aiming to make renewable energy more accessible.

AMPYR Solar Europe develops and manages solar parks in Germany, the Netherlands, and soon, the UK. They handle all aspects of solar project development — from land acquisition to construction and asset management, aiming to make renewable energy more accessible.

Our Goal

We wanted to design something that showcases AMPYR’s expertise in working directly with communities and municipalities to make solar energy more accessible on a community scale.